Very quiet 10 days on the crafting front as many other things, like painting doors, housework and social outings have got in the way.
I have however finished a cardigan for myself in grey Opium yarn. It is a very effective self patterning yarn but I am not sure I chose the right colour. It looks beter on me than it does on the model though.
On a coach trip to London I managed to crochet a dozen flowers that I have since made into brooches and hair clips for the stall.
On Wednesday a friend and I attended a bath bomb workshop run by Hearts and Homespun in Alfreton, Derbyshire. We had a fun, enjoyable afternoon where we made a number of bath bombs and truffles which smell beautiful and make the skin feel so soft. I bought a couple of kits as I feel I need more practice before mine are good enough to give as gifts. I will post the results sometime soon.